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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - sid


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Перевод с английского языка sid на русский

I сокр. от standard instrument departure стандартная схема вылета но приборам II сокр. от sudden ionospheric disturbance внезапное ионосферное возмущение
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   abbreviation sports information director ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  physiol. abbr. Once per day NASA abbr. Spacecraft Identification Number U.S. gov. abbr. Scientific Investigation Division transport. abbr. Static Impeller Driven transport. abbr. Standard Instrument Departure transport. abbr. Speed Indicating Device transport. abbr. Side Impact Dummy mil. abbr. Ship In Distress mil. abbr. Speed Indicator Device mil. abbr. Strategic Information Development 3-let. lang. abbr. Sidamo airport code Sal, Cape Verde Islands ocean sc. abbr. Shallow Intermediate And Deep meteo abbr. Sudden Ionosphere Disturbance univ. abbr. Serious In Design univ. abbr. Scientific Investigation Division univ. abbr. Support For Instructional Designers univ. abbr. Sports Information Director electron. abbr. Slew Induced Distortion adult abbr. Sorry Inconsiderate Dick softw. abbr. Still In Development softw. abbr. Software Item Description db. abbr. Simple Information Database gen. comp. abbr. Subunit Interaction Domain gen. comp. abbr. Searchable Image Database gen. comp. abbr. System Installation Diskette network. abbr. Shared Information Distance sec. abbr. Security In Depth file ext. abbr. PlaySID tunes and sound effects file media abbr. Sports Illustrated Dog media abbr. Sound Interface Device educ. abbr. Severe Intellectual Disability sport abbr. Selfies Instants And Doubles sport abbr. Smad Interaction Domain religion abbr. Satan In Disqise religion abbr. Sermon And Illustration Database law abbr. State Identification Number law abbr. Sex In Doubt gen. bus. abbr. Super Intelligent Design NYSE symbols Companhia Siderurgica Nacional pos. abbr. Seniority Integration Date ...
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